POR Josué Sánchez | 28 de agosto de 2017, 6:31 AM

Kylie Jenner sabe muy bien cómo hacer que el mundo entero se fije en ella con tan solo publicar sus fotografías en las redes sociales.


The beautiful @kyliejenner . This picture was shot for @showstudio and @vmagazine . It was styled by the wonderful @annatrevelyan . Thank you enormously to @brittlloyd1 for filming . @lisaeldridgemakeup for make up , @martincullen65 for hair and @adamslee_ fir nails . Thank @brittlloyd1 and @robrusling123 for assisting . And to @showstudio for making this project happen . I would just like to say something to all the people who have expressed their dislike that I have photographed Kylie. I photograph who I am interested in and that could be a girl I see at a bus stop or a coal miner, a prostitute, a president, a junkie or the queen of England. I treat everyone with exactly the same respect. In my opinion all people, no matter what class, creed, wealth or background they all deserve my respect. In truth I liked Kylie a lot, she was beautiful and friendly, enthusiastic and hard working and really knew how to model . She is simply by her fame and her business sense now someone of cultural importance. Few people have nearly 100 million followers on Instagram. However as I have already said I would be just as happy and excited to photograph someone who has no followers and is totally unknown . People are people what ever their colour, wealth or religion. Every single person on the planet is interesting and has beauty in them, if you care to see it and if you are interested in them and take the time to look. Finally as a rather personal anecdote, my father throughout all his life would never buy a copy of the Times newspaper, when I asked him why, he said that when Marilyn Monroe came to England in the 1950's the Times refused to cover it deciding she was not worthy of their cultural interest. Their snobbery disgusted him. I would suggest that their are parallels here. I can hear you all already thinking that there are huge differences between the two women, however times have changed and we live in a very different world with different ways of conveying fame, sexuality and power. I would just urge you to respect people wether they are rich or poor, famous or unknown. So please respect my choices of who and what I choose to photograph. Thank you. Nick

Una publicación compartida de Nick Knight (@nick_knight) el

La estrella de televisión realizó una candente sesión fotográfica para la V Magazine, en la que utilizó prendas en transparencias que dejaron ver sus pechos, demostrando que le fascina aparecer al natural.


The beautiful @kyliejenner for @showstudio and @vmagazine styled by the brilliant @annatrevelyan . Huge thanks to all that helped on this esp @brittlloyd1 for filming, @lisaeldridgemakeup for make up, @martincullen65 for hair, @adamslee_ for nails, @brittlloyd1 and @robrusling123 for assisting and my wonderful team at @showstudio

Una publicación compartida de Nick Knight (@nick_knight) el

Jenner, de 20 años, ha cautivado a sus más de 97.2 millones de seguidores en Instagram y a los medios de comunicación de todo el mundo.


The beautiful @kyliejenner . See the live stream and images on @showstudio and in @vmagazine . Styling by @annatrevelyan Hair by @martincullen65 Make up by @lisaeldridgemakeup . Filming by @brittlloyd1 . Assisting @brittlloyd1 and @robrusling123

Una publicación compartida de Nick Knight (@nick_knight) el

“Esta fue mi primer sesión fotográfica completamente desnuda. Suelo compartir imágenes posando ‘sexy’ en mis redes pero jamás me había desnudado”, dijo la modelo y empresaria.


The very lovely @kyliejenner for @showstudio and @vmagazine . Thank you so much to @annatrevelyan for styling. To @brittlloyd1 for filming . To @lisaeldridgemakeup for make up, @martincullen65 and @adamslee_ for nails . Thank you to @brittlloyd1 and @robrusling123 for assisting. Thank you to @vmagazine for making this happen.

Una publicación compartida de Nick Knight (@nick_knight) el

Esta no es la primera ocasión en la que Jenner realiza sesiones fotografías que dan qué hablar en las redes sociales.


For @showstudio and @vmagazine the beautiful @kyliejenner styled by the brilliant @annatrevelyan . Thanks to my amazing team; @brittlloyd1 filming , @lisaeldridgemakeup doing make up , @martincullen65 hair and @adamslee_ for nails . My assistants were @brittlloyd1 and @robrusling123 . Check out the recording of the whole day on @showstudiomachinea .

Una publicación compartida de Nick Knight (@nick_knight) el